
Revealing & Exposing Truths

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About Adonna of Sol

In a world full of questions, no answers and a lot of riddles, I was guided by the Heavens and the Fates of The Prime universe to start speaking on certain things that would resinate with Some woke, sleepers and deep sleepers in the urgent matter to try and assist people to wake up. Please know this page will have a lot of “TRIGGERS,” so please be cautious as you navigate through this page as it grows increasingly with new information and as it builds up it’s platforms. 

I chose the name Addona after one of the original Creator Gods since the beginning of our earths creation. When the Ancient Phoenician people were thriving along side the Atlantean kingdoms, Movock Kingdoms, old and early River Kingdoms, mountain Kingdoms, Elvin, Fey and many other thriving kingdoms of different variations of life on our planet. In todays writings regarding the Phoenician Gods and Goddesses you will find a lot of mentioning of untruths depicting the Phoenician Gods as ruthless blood thirsty sacrificial Gods like Baal. Please note, these Gods came later after the fall of Atlantis and the Ancient Kingdoms of the Creator. 

And Sol, believe it or not is the true name of our world that we currently inhabit. Also known in many other sites as: “ cradle of Humanity/humanoid, heart of the Empire, birthplace of mankind … and a difficult place to turn a profit. It's no secret that Earth is set in its ways. All roads lead to Earth and the system is designed to support native-born Humans above all others.” Or “ Lensman of Trenco space port, or any other Lensman within call!… Kinnison of Tellus—Sol III—calling.” even “ Earth may be designated as Sol III on celestial maps but is referred to in conversation as Earth. The same logic may apply to the home planets of other species.”  And we can’t forget our urban legendary names as well “ Shit outta luck 3, aka Earth (It actually means third planet from the Sun).”

Welcome to your unprogramming, please be kind to yourself and others as you take this journey to finding yourself.


Upcoming & Past Events

Matrix Rehab Tour

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Recent Events

By Mary Margaret Beaver November 18, 2024
Exciting News! I am thrilled to announce that I am launching my own public speaking tour - "Matrix Rehab Tour: Opening the Green Door!." Thourney to support your awakening and ascension process, helping you break free and step into a higher consciousness. The first three events will be in Sacramento, Los Angeles and Las Vegas with dates coming soon. I can't wait to connect with you all in person and dive deep into this transformative experience. Stay tuned for more updates, and I hope to see you there as we embark on this incredible journey together! — Mary Margaret Beaver

Latest Appearances

By Mary Margaret Beaver January 14, 2025
SSP Whistleblower Mary Beaver - Typical Skeptic Podcast #1730
By Mary Margaret Beaver October 5, 2024
Iluminati End Game - Typical Skeptic Podcast # 1506
By Mary Margaret Beaver April 19, 2024
The Dark Truth Behind the Bible, the Eclipse, and A.I.

Recent Posts

By Mary Margaret Beaver November 17, 2024
Operation Midnight Climax was a covert CIA program conducted in the 1950s and 1960s as part of the larger MKUltra project, which was a series of mind control experiments. The purpose of Operation Midnight Climax was to test the effects of LSD on unwitting individuals, often in controlled environments such as safehouses, using prostitutes as intermediaries to lure men into the experiments.
By Adonna of Sol May 1, 2023
'Ghost' DNA In West Africans Complicates Story Of Human Origins
By Adonna of Sol May 1, 2023
What is Deprogramming?
By Adonna of Sol April 30, 2023
Take note of these indicators of Trauma-Based Mind Control Programming:

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